Mittwoch, 26. August 2009

Review of Topaz Adjust PS Plugin

first of all, i should mention that this is more of a re"glance" since i just played around with this plugin for a day and im generally new to HDR photography anyway. So i thought pictures speak more than a thousand words, therefore the following pictures are comparisons of a single topaz "adjusted" image (the first of the two) versus a real HDR image, created from mutliple exposures and tonemapped in PhotomatixPro. I tried to get comparable results, but as you can see, they do differ in a lot of ways. For a fullview, click on the image.

My final verdict? Everyone should sort of reach his own.
I think nothing beats real HDR, given the situation justifies it, like Sunsets, where the exposure differences are jsut too high to capture all the detail.
But on a normal image the plugin does really do some magic.
So depending on how you work (e.g. maybe your camera is missing an autobracket function, so setting all the stuff can be a pain in the ass) what subjects you have and also what kind of look you're going for, this might be a waste of money or the best investment ever.
Anyhow it's definitely fun playing around with normal photos and seeing how they'd look in HDR.

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